Sunday, June 30, 2024

Reminder: Art Learning Curves Can Be Difficult...and Lengthy


Canna Study
6" x 8" watercolor
Arches 100% cotton cold press paper

Yes, I was reminded yesterday, as I felt this painting going south, that practicing art on a regular basis can sometimes be more frustrating than fun. Once again, I gave in to my perennial temptation to use watercolors like tempera paints. Over four hours' time, I over-worked and over-layered with the paint. Everything got too dark and too defined and I had to go out for a long walk--and for ice cream--to ease the frustration.

Was it all a waste of time? No. Not if I take the lessons forward. 

That's why, when someone asks how long it took to do a particular painting, it's reasonable and absolutely correct to say, "Years and years, many failed paintings, and quite a few ice cream cones."  

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