I was a nineteen-year-old university student when I met Sally, a white-haired, bandana-wearing woman in her sixties. She was pursuing an MFA in painting. She was so exuberant about creating art that she inspired me to decide I would become an artist, too, once I came closer to retirement. Forty years later, it’s time. As I climb an intentional learning curve in art, I share these posts to keep myself accountable. May my efforts inspire others the way Sally inspired me.
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
How to Help Them Stay Open?
Monday, December 27, 2021
Detail, Tulip Study #4
I won't even show the #2 and #3 studies.
And #4 got pretty dark, pretty fast. I should call it "Gothic Tulips." Must be all this cold and rain in northern CA. Not complaining, mind you--we need the rain.
I kind of like the cropped version of #4 (see second image, above), but #1 is still probably my favorite. I like the lighter touch.
Watercolor purists would probably not let the pencil lines show, and they certainly wouldn't darken the pencil lines, like I did on #4.
Just another day on the watercolor learning curve.
Monday, December 20, 2021
Ask Me in a Few Days
Not sure if this one will stand the test of time. One week taped to the wall above my desk usually lets me know if it's a keeper worthy of framing...or something to crop into a greeting card to a friend...or a turn-it-over-and-try-again-on-the-back.
I do know I love these cypress trees at Crown Memorial State Beach Park, Alameda, CA. I am just not exactly sure how to paint them.
More About the Sally Project
I met Sally forty years ago when I was twenty and she was the one in her sixties. I was a waitress at a Howard Johnson’s restaurant on...