Oakland Palm at Chinese Garden Park 8" x 8" watercolor Fluid cold press paper |
More palm practice from a photo I took at the Chinese Garden Park in Oakland. We often go by it as we emerge from the tunnel that connects Alameda to Oakland.
I was a nineteen-year-old university student when I met Sally, a white-haired, bandana-wearing woman in her sixties. She was pursuing an MFA in painting. She was so exuberant about creating art that she inspired me to decide I would become an artist, too, once I came closer to retirement. Forty years later, it’s time. As I climb an intentional learning curve in art, I share these posts to keep myself accountable. May my efforts inspire others the way Sally inspired me.
Alameda Palms2 8" x 8" watercolor Fluid cold press paper |
Maybe not as much joy as the last one. This one's overworked, but it does make me smile just the way the tree at the corner park does, especially when the ice plant is in bloom--like now.
It helps to paint today even though my mind, like everyone's, is on Ukraine.
Alameda Palms 8" x 8" watercolor on Fluid cold press watercolor paper |
And how lucky to be inspired by Canadian artist Shari Blaukopf, whose online course, "Behind the Palms," inspired this little painting. Shari had us practice painting palms from her reference photos taken in Florida, and then I applied what I learned to these palms in my 'hood in Alameda. This city's iconic palms continue to tickle my fancy, even after three years.
In April I plan to meet and study with Shari Blaukopf in person. She's such a great teacher. I've taken several of her online courses, which are not expensive and are permanently accessible. She's a fabulous artist, a great teacher, and amazingly generous about giving feedback to her online students--for as long as they want.
Snowy Iowa Field2 7" x 8" watercolor on Arches 100% cotton cold press paper Last time I used a triad of colors: Winsor Newton Cerulean Blue (Red Shade), WN Yellow Ochre, and WN Permanent Alizarin Crimson. This time a different triad: Winsor Newton Prussian Blue, Daniel Smith New Gamboge, Winsor Newtown Permanent Alizarin Crimson. Happier with the sky on this one. Maybe too much granulating in the sky on the last one due to the Cerulean Blue But maybe happier with the looseness on the last one. Both evoke happy memories of learning to love the rural landscape while living alongside this pasture x ten years. |
I met Sally forty years ago when I was twenty and she was the one in her sixties. I was a waitress at a Howard Johnson’s restaurant on...