Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Sausilito Scoma's 
11 x 15" watercolor
Arches 100% cotton cold press paper

A favorite seafood restaurant of ours is Scoma's in Sausilito. We took my husband's two sisters there recently, and I snapped this photo afterward, hoping it would be a good-enough reference photo to paint from. 

I'm not super satisfied with this painting, but we sure had a swell time with the sisters, and for that reason I may frame this one--never mind that it has a gash in the upper left quadrant that I didn't see until I started painting the sky. Did I graze it with a fingernail, maybe? Who knows? 

More About the Sally Project

I met Sally forty years ago when I was twenty and she was the one in her sixties. I was a waitress at a Howard Johnson’s restaurant on...