Sunday, July 26, 2020

Quietly Blooming

Quietly Blooming
8.5" x 10"
Watercolor on Arches 100% Cold Press w/c paper
It's been a quiet day/week/month/year. We know all about the dangers and frustrations and anxieties of this time, but what is quietly blooming in us and around us? 

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Alameda Charm

Alameda Charm
7" x 10" Stonehenge Aqua Hotpress paper
These Alameda houses are the gifts that keep on giving, and the bougainvillea are blooming everywhere right now. This vine was actually sprawled all over a minivan parked next to the house, covering it with splendid blossoms. That made me smile as I took the reference photo.

The painting has mistakes, and though I'm tempted to cover parts of it with gouache so I can lighten up certain areas, I think I'll stick with what I've got. It's taped to the wall in front of my computer and the bright colors give me energy. Plus thinking of that van covered in red blossoms still makes me smile. 

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Another Garden Selfie

Missing Midwest Coneflowers
Ink and Watercolor
7.5” x 7.5” Stillman & Birns Zeta Sketchbook

More About the Sally Project

I met Sally forty years ago when I was twenty and she was the one in her sixties. I was a waitress at a Howard Johnson’s restaurant on...