Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Patio Friends2

Patio Friends2
10" x 14" watercolor on Arches 100% cotton w/c paper

I decided to take another crack at my Patio Friends, hoping to slow down even more and let the water do more of its own magic. I tried a larger image (10" x 14" instead of 9 x 6.5"), thinking it would be easier to have the larger areas for laying in some juicy washes, letting them dry, and then covering them with one or more layers of other color washes. I wanted to convey the intense California sun, so I also used some liquid frisket for to preserve plenty of white spaces for conveying the sun-kissed areas in contrast to the deep shadows. 

Once again, though, I rushed the process. I didn't wait for the layers to dry, so many of the shapes are not as varied as I wanted them to be in color. And I ended up taking the frisket off too soon and then unintentionally painted over most of the white spaces. (I may come in with some gouache highlights to gain those white highlights.) 

At this point I think I like the first Patio Friends better, but I'll let them both sit awhile before I make any final judgements...or adjustments.  

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